Use Manage to keep track of everything saved, sent, or pending, as well as get a snapshot of recent activity across the platform.

Manage can be found in the top navigation bar in Agility.

Saved Topics & Topic Alerts
Saved Clips & Clipbooks
Targeted Lists
Private Contacts
Email Distribution

Contact Us

EMEA and Asia Pacific

Contact us at:
0044 207 454 5333 or email

For support inquiries:
Please call 0044 207 454 5333 or email

The product support team is available 08:00 - 18:00 hrs. UK time Monday to Friday

For sales inquiries:
Please call 0044 207 454 5333 or email

North America

Contact us at:
1-888-270-4776 or email

For support inquiries:
Please call 1-888-270-4776 or email

The product support team is available 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time Monday to Friday (major holidays excluded)

For sales inquiries:
Please call 1-866-545-3745 (ext 1) or email