View and manage your saved clips, as well as create clipbooks.

How do I access my saved clips and clips?
How do I create a clipbook using my saved clips?
How do I manage my clipbooks?
How do I engage using my saved clips?


How do I access my saved clips?

Go to Manage in the top navigation and click Saved Clips & Clipbooks.

You'll see an index page with all your saved clips from topic search results.

Then use additional filters in the left column to filter by:

  • Saved Topic
  • Saved By - the user who initially saved the mention or clip
  • Saved - when the mention or clip was saved, selecting from the last 7 or 30 days, or from a custom date range
  • Posted - when the mention or clip was posted, selecting from the last 7 or 30 days, or from a custom date range
  • Media Type
  • Sentiment - positive, negative or neutral

You can also search within Saved Clips using the Search field near the top; enter keywords based on the title or content of the post.

Delete any saved clips by selecting the box(es) at the left, then in the green "Actions" dropdown menu, click "Delete Selected" or clicking the minus symbol on an individual clip. It's also important to note that if you delete a topic, your saved clips will remain in the Saved Clips & Clipbooks section until you delete them.

How do I create a clipbook using my saved clips?

To create a clipbook, go to the main index page and select one or more saved clips. Then in the green "Actions" dropdown menu, choose "Add Selected to Clipbook."

In the window that appears, choose "Create New Clipbook" if it's new, or select "Choose from Existing" if you want to add these clips to an existing saved clipbook.

If your Clipbook is new: give it a name and assign to any tags), if necessary. Then click "Save to Clipbook" to save the clips and be taken to the Manage Clipbooks index page, or click "Add and Publish" to open up the clipbook wizard.

If you want to save to an existing clipbook: choose any saved clipbook from the dropdown menu. Then click "Save to Clipbook" to save the clips and be taken to the Manage Clipbooks index page, or click "Add and Publish" to open up the clipbook wizard.

When publishing your clipbook, the wizard will take you through the following steps. Note: to make it easier when building clipbooks, you can set up default behavior and settings in General Preferences.

Step 1: Build your Clipbook

Set up the display of your clips by choosing to show the headline only, headline and snippet, or full text. Organize by tag, sentiment, or media type. And sort your clips by one of several options, such as publication date, sentiment, title, etc.

Then choose to include any inline notes or engagement activities.

Next, add a header image by browsing for one on your computer. You can also write a summary of your clipbook as well.

At this point, you can save the clipbook as a draft at the bottom, or click the green "Next Step" button to continue. If you choose to save as a draft, you can go to the Manage Clipbooks index page to view your saved clipbook.

Step 2: Preview your Clipbook

Preview your clipbook based on the selections you made in Step 1. To remove any clips, click the gray "X" to the right of each one. Then click the green "Next Step" button to continue.

Step 3: Publish your Clipbook

Select from three delivery options: send as an HTML email, export as a PDF, or export as a DOC.

If sending as an HTML email, simply add a subject and a from name. Then choose the recipients you want to send the clipbook to, and specify the timing of the email at the bottom.

To export as a PDF or a DOC, fill in the cover page information as directed on the screen.

Then, click the green "Next Step" button at the bottom.

Step 4: Confirm your Clipbook

The final step shows you a confirmation of the content and details of your clipbook, including when it will be distributed if sending as an HTML email. If you are exporting as a PDF or a DOC, a note at the top will appear letting you know that it will take some time to process, and will be viewable in Manage Clipbooks once it's ready.

How do I manage my clipbooks?

Once you've created clipbooks, or saved them in draft form, you can then view in Manage Clipbooks. To access, go to the main Saved Clips & Clipbooks index page and at the top of the page, select Clipbooks.

You'll be taken to a Manage Clipbooks index page where you can use filters in the left column to filter by:

  • Tag
  • Status - the status of the clipbook, either Draft, Failed, Pending, Sent, or Submitted
  • Created - when the clipbook was created, in the last 7 or 30 days, or during a custom date range
  • Created by - the person who created the clipbook

You can also search for any clipbooks by using the search bar near the top.

Click the green "Actions" dropdown menu to create a copy of any selected clipbooks, assign selected to tags, or find new topic coverage.

To view any individual clipbook, click the name and you will be taken to the step in the publishing process where it was last saved.

How do I engage using my saved clips?

Similar to engaging with a mention in your monitored Topics, you can also engage with any of your Saved Clips.

In the saved clip you want to engage with, click the conversation bubble at the bottom of the mention, where you can then engage using Facebook or Twitter - just follow the prompts.

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