View and manage results for your monitored topics, and engage with topic mentions.

How do I access my monitored topics?
What kind of data can I find within individual topic results?
I am gathering a lot of international monitoring results. Will Agility translate these for me?
How quickly does the system pull new clips?
What happens when I edit an EXISTING monitoring topic's search string? Will mentions that were only applicable for the previous search string still be visible, or will they be deleted from Agility?
When Agility picks up a mention from a blog that's housed on a news website (i.e., one of the blogs hosted by the New York Times), will those mentions be marked as coming from the blog or from the site?
How do I engage with a mention?
How do I engage with a Tweet?
How do I engage with a news, blog or print article?
Can I build a clipbook with my saved?
How do I view my monitored topics by tag?

How do I access my monitored topics?

Go to Manage in the top navigation bar and click on Saved Topics & Topic Alerts.

You’ll be taken to the main Monitored Topics index page with all topics you are monitoring, categorized by topic name, when it was created and last modified, who created it, the percentage change in activity for the topic, and any tags associated with it.

From here, you can:

  • click the topic name to see its individual results
  • filter your topics using the options in the left column
  • search within your topics using the search bar at the top
  • see how the topic mentions have changed over time by viewing the information directly under your topic name at the top of the screen
  • view and interact with charts (see more below)
  • check the box at the left of any topic name and then click the "Actions" dropdown menu for further options, such as assign the selected to a tag or delete the selected
  • you can also create a new topic using the "Actions" dropdown menu

What kind of data can I find within individual topic results?

When you click the name of an individual topic, you'll land on a results page with charts and topic mentions which can be adjusted to the parameters you want to see, as follows:

Charts and Filters

The charts on the results page show activity related to your topic across both traditional and social media over the past 7 days (default). You can change the date range of the charts using the options underneath.

Data in the charts show Coverage over Time, Coverage Breakdown by Media Type, and Coverage Breakdown by Sentiment. You can:

  • hover over any data point in the charts to see specific details
  • focus on the type of data you see in the charts by making changes to the filters in the left column (more about filters below)
  • export or download each of the charts


Filter by Saved Clips

In Filter by Saved Clips at left, you can choose to see ALL topic mentions, or just those you have saved.

Filter by Sources

In Filter by Sources at left, you can choose to see ALL sources, just the top 5 sources, or any source you choose by entering a URL, outlet name or author.

Filter by Regions

In Filter by Regions at left, you can choose to see ALL regions, just the regions you chose when researching the topic, or any other region by entering a city, state, county, country, etc.

Filter by Content Language

In Filter by Content Language at left, you can choose in which language(s) you'd like to see your content: English, French, Spanish or ALL.

Filter by Duplicates

In Filter by Duplicates at left, you can choose to show partial duplicate mentions or exact duplicate mentions in your results.

Exact duplicates means that all content, including byline, headline, body/content, is the same. For example, AP or Reuters re-runs a story as is without any changes.

Partial duplicates means that the byline, headline, and dateline may vary but there are fragments within the mention that are the same as other mentions. For example, the official press release regarding the launch of iPhone 6 will be covered by many, if not most, tech bloggers and publications, but the headline, byline, and dateline of the articles will vary resulting in a partial match.

Filter by Klout on Twitter

In Filter by Klout on Twitter at left, move the slider from low to high to see Klout scores for Twitter mentions.


Topic Mentions

Below the charts are a list of the actual tweets, Facebook posts, blog entries, and online news articles that mentioned your topic during the date range covered by the charts. If you change the date range or make changes to any of the filters in the left column, this stream of posts will refresh.

To find a specific mention within these results, use the search field. Type in a keyword and hit enter or click on the looking glass to search within your results. To clear your search results and view all mentions again, click the "X" to the right of the keyword(s) in the search box.

Additionally, you can sort by the date (newest to oldest) and by relevancy (most relevant to your topic to least relevant to your topic) by using the dropdown menu at the top right of the mentions.

Within each mention, you’ll see the headline, name of the author (if provided) or news source, the date/time it was published, and a snippet of the content. Each mention will also have an icon corresponding to its media type, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Print, etc.

At the bottom of each mention, you'll see an indication of sentiment - positive, neutral, or negative - as well as a conversation bubble where you can then engage with the mention.

For News and Blogs, you can click on the headline to go directly to the original source and view the full text. For Print Publication, click on "full article" at the end of the abstract to read the full text.

You can also save clips by selecting 1 or more clips via the checkbox on the right and click the gray "Save Clips for Later" button; as well, there is no limit to how many saved clips you can have. To access your saved clips, go to Manage in the top navigation bar in Agility and click Saved Clip

Also, if you engage with any of your mentions, this will automatically save the engaged items for later review (more about engagement below).

Finally, click the box to the left of any mention to select. Using the green "Actions" dropdown menu at the top, you can then save and add to clipbook, save clips for later, or delete the selected mentions. You can also save any updates or create new topic coverage from here as well.


I am gathering a lot of international monitoring results. Will Agility translate these for me?

All monitoring results are provided in the language of origin. Agility does not translate the full articles or snippets. However, there are many free services which can be used for translation, such as Google Translate.

How quickly does the system pull new clips?

New mentions from Twitter are pulled into the system within moments of them posting on live sites. Other sites (news, blogs, etc.) will be found within hours at most. Content from high-volume sites will be pulled faster than content from low-volume sites. Content from print publications will be posted to Agility as soon as possible.

When you edit an existing monitoring topic's search string, Agility will immediately re-draw the applicable graphs to reflect the new string, and Agility will no longer display any mentions that would have been pulled by the old search string but are not covered by the new one.

However, these "previous" mentions are not deleted; they are just hidden. To "recover" your old mentions, simply change your search string back to the original configuration, and the old mentions will immediately reappear.

When Agility picks up a mention from a blog that's housed on a news website (i.e., one of the blogs hosted by the New York Times), will those mentions be marked as coming from the blog or from the site?

Whether or not a mention is marked as a "blog" or as "news" is dependent on that mention's URL and/or the specific feed which brought that mention into Agility; we do not have the ability to "reclassify" a blog post that appears in the "news" section, or vice-versa.

How do I engage with a mention?

In the results for any topic, look for the conversation bubble below each mention; this indicates whether or not you have engaged with the author. If you haven't yet engaged, there will be a “+” sign. If you have previously engaged, you'll see a number indicating how many times.

Click the conversation bubble to open up a window where you can post the first (or another) engagement. You can also click "View Activity" in that window to see all previous engagements.

How do I engage with a Tweet?

First, click on a conversation bubble for a mention, then select the Twitter account you’d like to respond from. By default, the account established in Social Accounts in your General Preferences will be used. Learn more about General Preferences.

Click "Retweet" to engage with a Tweet, or click "Reply" to respond to the Tweet using Twitter.

Click "Send Direct Message" to privately message the Twitter user using Twitter’s direct message feature. Or click "Post to Facebook" to post the Tweet to your Facebook page (again, the default account(s) set in General Preferences will be used, but you can adjust if needed).

How do I engage with a news, blog or print article?

First, click on a conversation bubble for a mention, then select whichever Twitter or Facebook account you'd like to respond from. By default, the account(s) established in Social Accounts in your General Preferences will be used. Learn more about General Preferences.

From here, you can post a link to the article to your Twitter or Facebook account.

Can I build a clipbook with my saved clips?

Yes. Simply go to Manage in the top navigation bar in Agility and click Saved Clips & Clipbooks. From there, you can select any of your saved clips and then choose to email or download a clipbook.

How do I view my monitored topics by tag?

To view by tag, go to Manage in the top navigation bar and click Topics. From the main index page, look under the Tags column to see each tag associated with each topic

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