View and manage your targeted lists and saved searches.

How do I manage my targeted lists?
How do I view and/or edit my targeted lists?
How do I export my targeted lists?
Why am I getting the error message "List too big to download"?
Why am I getting the error message "List too big to distribute"?
How do I view a contact or outlet’s profile?
How do I add a contact or outlet to a list when viewing a profile?
How do I update a contact or outlet?
How do I suggest a new contact be added to the database?
How do I suggest a new outlet be added to the database?
How do I manage my saved targeting searches?
How do I edit my saved searches?

How do I manage my targeted lists?

Go to the main Manage screen and click Targeted Lists.

You’ll see a main Targeted Lists index page with all lists you have created in Agility, categorized by list name, when it was created and last modified, who created it, the number of contacts contained within the list, and any tags associated with it.

From here, you can:

  • click the individual list name to see full details and make any edits
  • filter your lists using the options in the left-hand column; make sure Filter by Type (at the top) is set to Targeted Lists
  • search within your lists using the Search bar at the top
  • check the box at the left of any list and then click the green "Actions" dropdown menu for further options such as: distributing via email, copying the selected, assigning the selected to tags, suggesting new contacts or outlets, or deleting the selected
  • import contacts or create a new list by also clicking the green "Actions" dropdown menu

How do I view and/or edit my targeted lists?

On the main Targeted Lists page under Manage, click the name of any list you want to view or make changes to. You'll be taken to a screen, where you can:

  • filter what you see with the options at the left
  • distribute to the list via the wire
  • distribute to newslines and microlists recommended for you in the box at the center of the screen
  • click the name of any contact in the list to view full detail

From this page you can also click the green "Actions" dropdown menu at the upper right, where you can make edits and other changes:

  • add more contacts to the list
  • customize the column display you see
  • check the boxes to the left of a contact to "Add selected contacts to a list" or "Remove selected from the list"
  • export your list
  • delete or rename your list

Why am I getting the error message "List too big to download"?

You can only download a targeting list to your computer if it contains fewer than 5,000 contacts.

Why am I getting the error message "List too big to distribute"?

You can only distribute a news release to a targeting list that contains fewer than 5,000 contacts.

How do I export my targeted lists?

You can export targeted lists by downloading them into a .csv (comma separated value) file, which will open in spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel, or as a .scsv file.

To export: select any of your targeted lists, then click the "Actions" dropdown menu at the upper right of the screen, and choose either "Export to .csv" or "Export to .scsv."

This will open a prompt asking you to select the data you want to include in your downloaded file. Make your selections in the Available Columns box and click "Add." Your selections will then appear in the Selected Columns box. Click the green "Download and Apply Selections" button to complete the process.

Note: in order to export a targeting list to your computer, it must contain under 5,000 contacts.

How do I view a contact or outlet’s profile?

When viewing a list, click the name of any contact or outlet. (Remember that you can also use the global quick search at the top of the screen to look up an individual journalist, blogger or media outlet.

You'll be taken to the full profile of that contact or outlet.

For a contact: by default you'll land on the Overview which displays detailed information such as a complete mailing address and email/phone/fax details, as well as the contact’s job title, role, subjects of interest (or "beat"), languages she/he covers, and the lists in which she/he is included. You can also see the contact’s preferred distribution method for news (email, fax, etc.).

In the menu at the left, click to see the following:

  • "Profile" – see what the contact writes about, who should be pitching him/her, and how
  • "Activities" – make notes and record any interactions with the contact that can be saved and referred to later
  • "Twitter Feed" (if available) – see the contact’s Twitter handle and bio, number of followers, location and most recent Tweets
  • "LinkedIn" (if available) – access the contact’s LinkedIn profile, bio and any associated organizations
  • "Social Footprint" (if available) – get links to each of the contact's available social media accounts

For an outlet: by default you'll land on Outlet Details which displays detailed information such as a complete mailing address and email/phone/fax details, as well as the outlet’s audience/circulation. You can also see the contact or outlet’s preferred distribution method for news (email, fax, etc.).

In the menu at the left, click to see the following:

  • "Outlet Profile" – a summary of the subjects covered by the outlet and what type of audience it’s geared toward
  • "People" – see all the individual contacts (with their job titles) associated with that outlet and access their full profiles
  • "Format" – see further details such as the outlet’s type, frequency and advertising rate

How do I add a contact or outlet to a list when viewing a profile?

If you’re looking at a contact profile and want to add the contact to an existing targeted list, click the "Actions" dropdown menu in the upper right and then click "Add to a List." 

In the window that opens, choose to "Create a New List" to add the contact to, or "Save to an Existing List." You can also assign the list to any tags (as an option), or add the contact to multiple lists by clicking the blue link. When done, click the green "Save and Continue" button.

To remove the contact you just added, go to the Overview section of his/her profile, find "Lists" and click the "X" next to the list(s) you want the contact to be removed from.

If you’re looking at an outlet profile and want to add contacts associated with that outlet to an existing targeted list, click the box to the right of his/her name and then in the "Actions" dropdown menu click "Add Selected Contacts to a List." Follow the prompts.

To remove the contact you just added, go to the Overview section of his/her profile, find "Lists" and click the "X" next to the list(s) you want the contact to be removed from.

How do I update a contact or outlet?

Agility’s media research team makes thousands of changes to contact and outlet profiles every month to ensure accuracy; however, you may be aware of a change or update that our internal team has not yet discovered.

If you're looking at a contact or outlet profile and believe that any piece of information is outdated—or you have a new piece of information to provide—you can update the profile.

To update a contact, go to the contact’s profile and click "Update This Contact" in the "Actions" dropdown menu.

Make any changes on the form that appears. As you type, green outlined fields indicate where you’ve added new information; yellow outlined fields indicate where you've updated information; and red outlined fields indicate where you’ve removed information.

Then, at the bottom where it asks "What would you like to do with this request?" you have the option to "Submit to Media Research." By checking this box, your request will immediately be sent to Agility’s media research team for review and processing. Once confirmed and approved, any changes you make will appear in Agility’s media database for all Agility users to access.

If you choose NOT to submit to media research, any changes you make to the contact will save privately for you and cannot be accessed by other Agility users outside of your organization. If media research cannot verify the changes, you can choose to keep the private contact anyway, or remove it.

When finished, click the green "Save" button.

For any changes you make to email addresses, after you click "Save" the system will open a window asking which email address you'd like to use for distributions. Choose from any of the email addresses available for the updated contact, and then click "Close" in the lower right. The media research team will then verify your changes within 24 to 72 hours.

Your selections will show up on the contact’s profile, flagging the preferred system email and the email you’d like to distribute to.

After our media research team has verified your changes, you’ll get one of two notices:

1)  that your request has been approved and updated, or
2)  that your request was unable to be confirmed, and any changes you requested will instead be saved as your private data on the contact’s profile

How do I suggest a new contact be added to the database?

To suggest a new contact, first go to Targeted Lists under Manage. On the main index page, click the green "Actions" dropdown menu in the upper right, and then click "Suggest a New Contact."

Fill out the form that appears and click the green "Next Step" button at the bottom.

We’ll show you any potential matches for your suggested contact in our global media database; you may learn that the contact you want to add is already available within Agility.

If Agility does NOT find a potential match for your contact, click the green "None of These" button.

Next, fill out the "Outlet Associated with this Contact" form that appears, and click the green "Complete Outlet Information" button. Your request will immediately be sent to Agility’s media research team for review and processing.

Once the media research team has processed your request, you’ll get a notification either that the request was approved or the request could not be confirmed (and will therefore not be included in the database).

How do I suggest a new outlet be added to the database?

To suggest a new outlet, first go to Targeted Lists under Manage. On the main index page you see here, click the green "Actions" dropdown menu in the upper right, and then click "Suggest a New Outlet."

Fill out the form that appears and click the green "Next Step" button at the bottom.

We’ll show you any potential matches for your suggested outlet in our global media database; you may learn that the outlet you want to add is already available within Agility.
If Agility does NOT find a potential match for your outlet, click the green "None of These" button.

Next, fill out the "More about this Outlet" form that appears, and click the green "Submit to Media Research" button. Your request will immediately be sent to Agility’s media research team for review and processing.

How do I manage my saved targeting searches?

Go to Manage in the top navigation bar and click Targeted Lists. On the main index page that appears, click "Saved Searches" at the top of the page.

You’ll see all targeting searches you have saved in Agility, categorized by search name, when it was created and last modified, when the most recent results were obtained from the search, who created it, and the tag(s) they are associated with.

From here, you can:

  • click an individual search name to run results
  • filter your saved searches using the options in the left column
  • search within your saved searches using the Search bar at the top
  • check the box at the left of any list and click the green "Actions" dropdown menu for further options, such as copying the selected, assigning the selected to tags, and deleting the selected
  • edit your search
  • you can also "Distribute to the saved search" or "Create a new saved search" using the "Actions" dropdown menu

How do I edit my saved searches?

When looking at the main index page with all your saved searches, click the blue "Edit" link to the right of any saved search you want to make changes to.

You’ll be taken back to your original search criteria, where you can enter new keywords, save the new search, or save and view the new results.

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