View, edit and manage your topic alerts.
How do I create a topic alert?
How do I edit and manage my topic alerts?
I want to adjust the types of clips I’m receiving in my topic alerts. Is there a way to do that?
How do I create a topic alert?
With Topic Alerts, Agility will notify you every time there is media activity surrounding your topic coverage, such as a new mention. Note: You will have a quota of 50 topic alerts that you can set up per your Agility subscription. Once you have reached your quota, the system will notify you, and you’ll be asked to pause or delete your existing topic alerts to accommodate. More about pausing and deleting below.
To set up an alert, you must first research topic coverage and then view your results. Learn more about researching topic coverage.
On the Results page, click the green “Create an Alert” button at the top right of the screen.
A window will open taking you through the steps to create your alert.
In Step 1:
- Name your alert
- Select the type of alert. A batch alert allows you to combine and receive content alerts in a single email based on the schedule you set, and an individual alert allows you to receive an alert every time Agility finds content that matches your search. Note: if your individual alert set-up generates high volumes of mentions, Agility will convert this into a weekly batch alert.
- Select how you want your content displayed
In Step 2:
- Determine your alert schedule by selecting the frequency with which you want to receive topic alerts; the time of day you want to receive topic alerts; and how long you want to receive topic alerts (ongoing, or end on a date you choose).
- Select the recipients who should receive the topic alerts, as well as any additional email addresses to sent the topic alerts to
- Finish by clicking the green “Create Alert” button at the bottom
Once your alert has been created, you will see a confirmation in a green box at the top of the screen.
How do I edit and manage my topic alerts?
To edit and/or view the details of your topic alert, you can either 1) go to Manage in the top navigation and click Saved Topics & Topic Alerts to see an Alerts index page, or 2) go to the main Monitored Topics index page where you can see any alerts you have created for each topic in the Alerts column, then simply click any number in that column to access the full details of the alert.
On the Manage Topic Alerts index page, click “Edit” in the Actions column to make any changes. A window will open in edit mode asking you to edit the details of your alert. When finished, click the green “Save Changes” button at the bottom. Note: if you make any edits to your saved topics, the alert(s) associated with that topic will update as well to reflect the updates to your topic.
Agility also allows you to pause an alert. To pause, simply click “Pause” in the Actions column.
You can also select any topic alerts by checking the boxes to the left of each alert. Then in the “More Actions” dropdown menu, you can do the following:
- Assign Tags to selected
- Pause selected (to temporarily stop any alert)
- Start selected (to re-start any alert that has been paused)
- Delete selected
For any alerts that have expired, a red clock icon will appear next to it in the Manage Topic Alerts page. At that point, you can choose to renew the alert for nine months. For alerts that are close to expiring (within 30 days of the expiration date), an orange clock icon will appear at which point you can also choose to renew for nine months.
I want to adjust the types of clips I’m receiving in my topic alerts. Is there a way to do that?
Once you start receiving your topic alerts via email, you can view and make changes to the types of clips you’re receiving in the alert. Click the green “View in Agility” button at the bottom of the alert email.
You will then be taken to the alert in Manage Topic Alerts, where you can:
- refine the clips using the filters at the left
- edit the details of the alert itself
- select any clips to bookmark or add to a clipbook
After you make any changes, click the green “Save Alert” button in the upper right.
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